Manage your expectations, Mr. Speaker.
'Twas the week before Christmas and one thing's for certain;
Both Opposition Parties were definitely hurtin'.
In their letter to Santa, they each had one ask;
To find a new leader, who was up to the task.
The orange leader looked beaten, a force that was spent;
When all he could muster was 47%.
The Dippers they're nervous, cuz they tried and they tried;
They posted the job, but no one applied.
They may turn to the Internet, to help fill their wish;
And place a help wanted ad, on “Plenty of Fish”.
Now the Tories have 14, with credentials to tout;
And their values-based screening, knocked none of them out.
They've gone coast to coast, speaking right from the stump;
It's evolved to a game of out Donalding Trump.
Of course the word on the street, wthout Peter MacKay;
They hope the interim leader, chooses to stay.
But with their win down south, the far right have a theory;
The heck with them all, let's draft Kevin O'Leary.
To all candidates I offer, Christmas love, peace and joy;
But when it comes to the next election, I'd still bet on our boy.