Mr. Speaker, today l rise for the first time in this House to commemorate an important anniversary in Canadian history.
On February 15, 1930, Cairine Wilson was sworn in as Canada's first female senator. The appointment came just four months after judgment in a groundbreaking case in which Canada's Famous Five successfully appealed to the Privy Council of England to include women as persons under the law.
The Famous Five paved the way for future generations of women to engage in the political process.
Today, we are honoured to have, in Ottawa, Marcia McClung, granddaughter of Famous Five member Nellie McClung, who along with Donna Dasko and Ceta Ramkhalawansingh, will be attending a Famous Five reception this evening.
As a suffragist, activist, reformer, legislator, and author, Nellie McClung long fought for the political rights women now have today, giving women like me an opportunity to serve in this House. We thank her.