Mr. Speaker, I want to share with members an initiative my office organized. In celebration of International Women's Day, I asked my constituents to nominate one woman who inspires them. We received an impressive list of accomplished women, but my team and I had to select one.
Ms. Sudduf Wyne was born in Pakistan and came to Canada at a young age. She first studied engineering and then did her MBA. In February 2015, as an entrepreneur, Sudduf opened a Muslim lifestyle store in Mississauga. While many told her she couldn't succeed or that she shouldn't dream so big, her store, the Salaam Shop, continues to attract customers from around the GTA.
Ms. Wyne is a trailblazer business person who dedicates much of her time to mentoring female entrepreneurs and encouraging them to chase their passion. I am proud of Sudduf, who on a daily basis shatters stereotypes and lets her achievements speak for her. It is a wonderful reminder that for the sake of everyone, we need to continue working to have a fairer society for girls and women.