Mr. Speaker, I stand in the House to brazenly boast about a dance company in my riding of Vancouver Centre.
Ballet B.C. ranks among the top three companies in North America, just ending tours in England and New York to rave reviews. Ballet B.C. is a progressive company that pushes the limits of classical ballet to new and dazzling heights. Experimental and daring, it challenges the human body to extraordinary feats of endurance and interpretation through dance.
What is remarkable about Ballet B.C. is the exclusive partnerships it has with talented Canadian choreographers across the country. I recently witnessed these partnerships in action, as Ballet B.C. performed three dynamic and progressive pieces at Ottawa's NAC during Canada Dance Fest, one with in-house choreographer Emily Molnar, and the other two with choreographers from other provincial ballets. Each piece received sustained standing ovations.
Ballet B.C. has put Canadian dance on the map, and in their tours are stellar ambassadors for Canada's creative sector.