Mr. Speaker, 100 years ago, three Canadian provinces gave women the right to vote. In 2016, only 26% of federal members of Parliament are women. That number is increasing, but it is still far too low. We need more women and young women in politics in order to make Parliament truly representative of our society and ensure that women have a voice in Parliament as well as in our communities.
That is why I want to promote Daughters of the Vote, an initiative by Equal Voice that will bring 338 young Canadian women between 18 and 23 to Ottawa to attend a leadership forum. I invite all young women to register by June 30 at It is an opportunity to discover active politics and understand its workings.
I invite all women who are interested in politics or involved in their community, whether they are attending school or not, to register to be among the 338 young female leaders who will be in Ottawa in 2017.