Mr. Speaker, as-salaam alaikum. For Muslims, the greeting means “peace be unto you”. That peace was shattered yesterday in Sainte-Foy. A shooting at Le Centre culturel islamique de Québec took the lives of several of our fellow citizens. This was not simply an attack on Muslim worshippers; it was an attack on the values that all Canadians hold dear: that our diversity is our strength; that by not only tolerating but by celebrating different faiths, we are stronger as a people.
We are in shock after these tragic events, and we condemn in the strongest terms this terrorist attack against Canadians who were in a place of worship and sanctuary.
Our deepest condolences go to the families and friends of those who died, and we wish a speedy recovery to those who were injured.
I say to Muslim Canadians that we stand in solidarity with them against intolerance.
Wa-alaikum-salaam , which means, “and unto you be peace”. That is the commitment we make today to Canadians, that in this country all persons can worship in peace and safety.