Mr. Speaker, all I wanted for Christmas was to bring back some fantastic craft beer from my home province of Alberta to Ottawa without breaking the law. However, government interference on interprovincial trade has weakened the Canadian economy and impeded consumer choice. A Senate study states barriers to internal trade costs the Canadian economy nearly $150 billion.
In a new and uncertain world, freer trade among the provinces and territories will grow our economy. However, an agreement with dozens of exemptions, like beer, wine, and cheese, is not free trade. The Conservatives want to see a full free trade deal benefiting all Canadian industries, not just a select few.
Before endorsing a fake free trade agreement with the provinces, the Liberals must ask the Supreme Court for clarification on section 121 of the Constitution, which states that free trade is a constitutional right for all Canadians.
It is time to free the beer. It is time to free the Canadian economy.