Mr. Speaker, I rise today to acknowledge the many vigils that are being held across Canada in memory of missing and murdered indigenous women and girls, including a vigil here on Parliament Hill today. I want to acknowledge and thank all members of Parliament and the Prime Minister for attending that vigil and offering their support.
I invite all Canadians to observe a moment of silence today on the occasion of the Sisters in Spirit vigils, which have been taking place since 2006. A vigil can take many forms, from a walk to a rally to a shared meal. Let us honour our Sisters in Spirit by participating in a vigil today. Let us demonstrate our shared commitment to end the national tragedy of the violence experienced by indigenous women and girls in Canada. As the Sisters in Spirit vigil founder, Kukdooka Terri Brown, says, “Grandmothers, lighten our path in the dark. Creator, keep our sisters safe from harm.”