Mr. Speaker, the government has introduced a carbon tax, raised payroll taxes, proposed higher taxes on businesses, added an escalator clause to the beer tax, tried to tax employee discounts, and cancelled children's arts and fitness credits, textbook and tuition credits, and public transit credits. It even denied disability tax credits for most type 1 diabetics. These higher taxes hurt Canadians and weaken the economy. Do not take my word for it, listen to my constituents:
Shelly incorporated to get bonding and insurance and resents being called a tax cheat.
Dennis said that higher taxes will kill investment and prevent job creation.
Bill's retirement is in his company. Since he does not get a pension, the higher taxes will threaten years of planning and saving.
Dr. Kim used her company to save for her maternity leave.
John cancelled a proposed Canadian expansion of his business and will go to the United States instead.
Instead of spin-and-damage control, the government needs to apologize, listen to Canadians like these, and stop raising taxes.