Mr. Speaker, I am aghast at the brutal violence perpetrated by Myanmar's military against the country's Rohingya Muslim minority. Over the past few months, the region has witnessed villages burned to the ground; hundreds of thousands of defenceless men, women, and children driven from their homes; and physical and sexual assaults that are breathtaking in their cruelty and scale.
At times like these, when Canadians witness the suffering of our brothers and sisters abroad, our reaction defines who we are and what our nation values. As such, I am moved that the Government of Canada has chosen to match donations to registered charities, such as the Canadian Red Cross Society and Islamic Relief Canada, by establishing a Myanmar crisis relief fund. This move confirms what I already knew in my heart to be true: that Canada is a country that cares, that we are a generous people, and that we are ready and willing to fight against the evils of this world.