Mr. Speaker, the government has prepared a budget that is spread over 11 years, but there are immediate needs, especially for indigenous communities.
In 11 years, it will be 2028, almost when the department forecasts that 115,000 units will be needed, just on reserves alone. Furthermore, 81,000 units are needed right now for indigenous people to enjoy the same housing conditions as the general population, in terms of the number of occupants.
Money allocated to housing is more than just an expense; it is an investment. For this investment to be worthwhile, the government needs to immediately allocate the resources needed to renovate the housing units that are in need. The longer it waits, the more this will cost. The government needs to have a plan, a strategy, and it needs to take bold action now.
If this issue is such a priority for this government, when will it finally introduce a targeted strategy to address the housing needs of indigenous peoples?