Mr. Speaker:
'Twas two nights before Christmas
Not a soul in the House
When the finance report came in like a mouse
The debt was hung out 'til 2055
Though none on fixed income could hope to survive.
The children's tax credits were all at an end
While the Liberal entitlements continued to spend
And the oil and gas industry, under duress
Were dealt a new carbon tax for added stress.
When out on an island arose violations
Of all ethics rules that were here in our nation
Away to the commissioner we flew like a flash
To protest the access of government for cash
When what to my wondering eyes should appear
But our Prime Minister with a cross-country ear
With a talking point message so scripted and quick
I knew it was making all Canadians sick
He was looking all rock star from his head to his toes
Like the billionaire Chinese had donated his clothes
His eyes how they twinkled, his answers off topic
His knowledge of average Canucks microscopic
And I thought that he said to Canadians everywhere
Higher taxes for you, and I really don't care.