Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay tribute to the stars of Edmonton. Not to Connor McDavid, though I am very happy to have him wearing an Oilers jersey, I want to pay tribute instead to the many charities and organizations, especially in my riding of Edmonton West, that tirelessly serve our citizens.
They are organizations like the Maier Centre for Autism, where they are leading the country with new ways of helping children with autism and their families; the Elves Special Needs Society, where they help the disabled live their lives with love and dignity; Kids On Track, where they mentor children at risk, to be future leaders; and Goodwill Alberta, training and employing the disadvantaged and the disabled so that they can enjoy full lives and look forward to a better future.
These and too many others to mention in just a minute are what make Edmonton and my riding of Edmonton West the heart of our city. I thank them and all their many volunteers and supporters for all they do day after day for the love and care of their fellow Edmontonians.
Yes, we do have Connor McDavid, but we have many greater stars in Edmonton.