Mr. Speaker, as I said, this is something we have been working on for quite some time, ensuring that we are consulting with stakeholders all across the country, giving the justice committee and different committees the time necessary to look at this, and making sure the recommendations we are putting in place will actually have an impact on solving this crisis.
One of the things I will state again is we are very proud of the fact that this bill would empower the CBSA to look at the different packages that are coming in. Is would allow CBSA to do something that it has not been able to do before, which is to look at packages that are less than 30 grams to see whether they contain fentanyl, so we can put a stop to the direct source of this problem, which is this product making its way into our country to begin with. As I said, we are always going to look at different ways of doing it. We are going to ensure that we take the time to do it right by consulting the different stakeholders.