Mr. Speaker, this week marks the 25th anniversary of the interpretation centre at the Moulin des jésuites.
The Moulin des jésuites de Charlesbourg has always been at the very heart of the lives of the people of Charlesbourg. The mill was built by the Jesuits in 1742 and remained operational until 1940. It was one of the last water mills in Quebec. The site remains active today and is home to the Trait-Carré interpretation centre, which welcomes tourists and school groups from Ontario, Manitoba, and Alberta.
At this site, visitors can experience many aspects of our history. Tomorrow is the 25th anniversary of the interpretation centre.
I want to commend the work of the staff and volunteers who help this Quebec institution continue to flourish and progress. They are the heart and soul of the mill. I also want to thank Joanne Timmons for her contribution, for she has been at the helm during the 25 years of operation of the Moulin des jésuites interpretation centre. I thank her from the bottom of my heart for her dedication. Happy 25th anniversary.