Mr. Speaker, did you know that I came to Ottawa 29 years ago to attend university? I was not nervous about my first day at university, but I was nervous about my first day as a parliamentary page.
Fortunately for me and all the other parliamentary pages who have served here during her 32-year tenure, Lynn Legault, the page supervisor, was there to welcome us, train us, and guide us. I rise today to point out that Lynn Legault will be retiring very soon.
On behalf of all members, I sincerely thank “Lynn for her remarkable and tireless service to the House of Commons over the course of more than 10 Parliaments and to about 1,333 different members. Since arriving here, she has supervised more than 1,240 pages in the House of Commons.”
If you will permit me, Mr. Speaker, I would like to say directly to Lynn, “Lynn, you have conducted yourself with great dignity, discretion, and the highest sense of professionalism. You did more than mentor a generation of pages. You made this place a better place, and that is no mean feat. Thank you, Lynn, for your service to Parliament. On behalf of all members of Parliament, enjoy your well-deserved retirement”.