Mr. Speaker, I think I will go with a comment as opposed to a question.
The atmosphere in the room is providing as much rhetoric as it normally does. However, I will say to the member's comments specifically with respect to the previous budgets and how they were embraced with such fanfare that as a municipal leader, I attended three of the four budgets proposed by the previous government. I sat up there in that gallery and I listened to them, and we usually did not come with a sense of excitement over what was to come. Instead what we witnessed was smokescreens, such as “We will eliminate the penny”, while at the same a whole bunch of other legislation was delivered through omnibus bills that lacked support for municipalities throughout the country.
There is no doubt in my mind that the budget we will see tomorrow will be one that will support the middle class, support people struggling in our country, and help to provide the infrastructure that this country so badly needs that was neglected by the previous government for 10 years.