Mr. Speaker, Canadian Cadet Organizations is the largest youth program in Canada. Speaking purely objectively, the 2600 Rochebelle Cadet Corps is without a doubt one of the most dynamic in the country. Their motto, “challenges, discipline, unity”, summarizes the values of these young people who gather to forge bonds and develop their leadership skills and their civic engagement while challenging themselves physically.
This year, as we celebrate Canada's 150th anniversary, they are celebrating their 60th. I had the honour of marking the occasion with them on April 1. I would like to wish them a happy 60th anniversary, and I also want to thank their captain, Patrick Bélanger, for his dedication, as well as the parents, officers, and volunteers, such as André Picard, people who work every day to help mould these young cadets into model citizens who make a positive contribution to our society.
Cadets, we are proud of you. Sixty years is worth celebrating. I wish you another 60 years and more.
Happy 60th anniversary to the Rochebelle cadets.