Mr. Speaker, Shaun Webb came to Ottawa as a legislative assistant in 2008, and would later serve as the regional affairs adviser for British Columbia and the North for the Right Hon. Stephen Harper, which he considered one of his greatest honours.
Shaun described Canada as “the fairest society in the world”. He was well known for his intellect, his willingness to help others, and his dedication to help make Canada a better country. One of his legacies will no doubt be the fight to claim the North Pole for Canada, the true north, strong and free.
Shaun took on Yukon and northern files as though they were his home and the people there his greatest companions. He had a brilliant intellect, with an encyclopedic memory. However, he will most be remembered as a kind, caring soul, with a heart of gold, taken far too soon.
Our thoughts and prayers are with Shaun's mother, Felicity, whom we collectively grieve with over this immense loss. We are truly blessed to have known Shaun Webb. Rest well, my friend. His work may be done here, but his example inspires us to do all we can to preserve the blessings of our great country. We thank Shaun. God bless Canada.