Mr. Speaker, May is Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month, and many of us in the House and across the country have family members and friends stricken with this terrible disease. MS has no prejudice. It attacks victims of all ages.
My sister Mary Lou was 28 years old when she was diagnosed with MS. We suspect she suffered from MS for a number of years prior to that. Like all diseases, it is not easy to watch loved ones suffer. My sister does not complain. With the support of her husband Brian, she soldiers on.
We will find a cure for MS. I am very convinced of that, but we are not there yet. In the meantime, I will continue to speak out to raise awareness of this disease. I have pinned carnations on MPs as they have entered the House of Commons and I will continue to wear this carnation in support of finding a cure for MS.
Collectively, both in the House and in our home communities, we must not rest until we find a cure for MS.