Mr. Speaker, I am delighted to rise in the House tonight and participate in this debate. However, I found it curious that the hon. member, who had been a member of the previous government, has a very selective memory when it comes to the fiscal record of that government.
The Harper government inherited the best fiscal situation of any incoming government in Canadian history, a $13 billion surplus. During the good times, that government not only eliminated that surplus, it put Canada into a deficit before the 2008 financial crisis. It then went on to add $150 billion to the national debt, and all we got out of it were a few gazebos and a fake lake. We also had the worst growth record under that Harper government that we had since the Great Depression.
The Liberals are making in investments, implementing progressive tax cuts, and providing Canadian middle-class and low-income families with the help they need right now. That is working. That is why we have had better growth in the last six months than we have had in 10 years in Canada, and the creation of 250,000 new jobs.
Why is that hon. member opposed to the kinds of important investments that can move Canadian families forward and build more livable communities and a more competitive economy?