Mr. Speaker, perhaps the most devastating part of losing someone we love is the silence that fills the space that was once filled with their unique sound. On the west coast of Canada, the silence that has taken the beautiful space of Twyla Roscovich is stark. None of us can believe she is gone.
At 38, she was too young to leave us. An independent filmmaker focused on protecting wild salmon, Twyla directed multiple films. Perhaps the most well known was Salmon Confidential.
I had the honour of knowing Twyla for many years. What I will always carry with me was her determination to make sure that the voices that were often silenced were heard, her absolute love for her four-year-old daughter Ruby, and the trips on the ferry from Powell River with her father Glen, whose absolute pride and love for his daughter touched me profoundly.
I hope, in this time of grief, her loved ones know we are all holding them up with our love. I would like to thank Twyla. For the short time she was here, she made a world of difference.