It is my great pleasure to table today, in both official languages, the third edition of House of Commons Procedure and Practice.
This authoritative work has continued to evolve since the publication of the first edition in 2000 and the second in 2009. I am sure that the third edition will take its place as the authoritative source on Canadian parliamentary procedure.
Edited by the former acting clerk of the House, Marc Bosc, and the deputy clerk, procedure, André Gagnon, this impressive edition, in both official languages, of course, boasts some 1,500 pages and over 7,000 footnotes rich in content and in history. It also reflects changes to our rules and practices as recent as from just a few months ago, notably the changes to the Standing Orders adopted by the House last spring. This edition is again accessible online, and for the first time, it is also available as a bilingual e-book, which members will receive in addition to a print copy.
I want to thank the hundreds of dedicated people from all sectors of the administration of the House who contributed to writing and publishing this book. This collaborative work is a shining example of the devotion and expertise of those who support members of the House in their daily work.
I encourage all members to read and use the third edition. While I may be in the minority who would consider this book leisure reading, as one former Speaker Milliken might do, I assure members that they will find it to be useful and informative in the course of their parliamentary work. I invite all members to join me in room 216-N for a reception to mark this very special occasion.