Mr. Speaker, it is a bit rich. Those are the terms that the other side has been using all afternoon.
They have spoken about the balance of power and showing strength. This is the terminology members on the other side have been using. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be stronger.
Does the NDP think it is wrong for the labour movement to want to have a good balance of power? This is not a bad thing. I would even say that it is healthy to want a good balance of power and free negotiations. However, a free negotiation requires that consumers have options.
For an essential service like postal services, health care or what have you, we are not talking about a free market with companies, unions and free negotiations. Negotiations with a government or Crown corporation can have far-reaching impacts on the public interest.
The idea of a balance of power is not a bad one, and that is the terminology that both parties on the other side have been using all day.