Mr. Chair, I can wholeheartedly say that I entirely disagree with the member. I appreciate the effort she puts forward. Within the over $230 million the government has put forward, there are millions of dollars when it comes to education to ensure that people know about the harm associated with these drugs.
I shared a personal story. I shared a story of a loved one. I know that the member is not trying to unjustly imply that this kid had used drugs multiple times. Unfortunately, that kid is no longer with us. We know that education is important. If she had listened to the words I shared, I said that education and awareness are important, but more important is the stigma associated with people who use drugs. More important is the fact that people seem to assume that people who use drugs are evil.
There is more to the story. People are in pain. People are associated with these drugs for more reasons than what educational awareness can do. As Dr. Mate, who I referred to in my speech, said, we need to take more time to ask these people, why the pain? Why are they considering using drugs? Why are they considering sacrificing their lives? Their lives matter.
When it comes to this government, every life matters, and we will fight to ensure that people have the resources they need.