Mr. Speaker, I think we have been fairly clear on this issue all morning and going into the afternoon. There was a mistake that occurred. An invitation was sent out. The moment that was discovered the invitation was rescinded, so the individual did not go to the event. It was a simple mistake that was made.
It is interesting that my colleague across the way made reference to the fact that we are also there to protect our civil servants. What the opposition Conservative Party, in co-operation with the New Democrats, are doing is not protecting the interests of civil servants with this particular motion. What are we to expect? Tomorrow, is it going to be a different civil servant, and then two weeks from now another one, because those members have some issues with which they do not necessarily agree with the minister? One either has confidence and believes in the professionalism of our civil servants, as we do, or not, and we move forward.
Today's debate should have been about the many wonderful things that the relationship between India and Canada is today. We should be reflecting on our Indo-Canadian community and the ties between the two countries. A good example of that would be through education, where we have seen thousands of additional students coming to Canada, and so many other positive things.
Does the member not agree that it is time to start talking about the positive things between Canada and India?