Madam Speaker, I am pleased to answer the question from my colleague, the hon. minister.
First, we approved four projects. Having said that, we have to emphasize the fact that we did respect the rules and the law. This is why we took every step necessary to accept those projects. If we had said yes and started the construction, you, all Canadians, and the world would have said that we did not respect the rules, we did not respect the law, and we did not listen to the people. We did it correctly.
The current government was the lucky one to put in all those projects. What are the results today? Nothing. Nothing has been built. When Keystone was rejected by Obama, with a big smile, the Prime Minister said that the Liberals were sad but they understood. We heard the Prime Minister say no to northern gateway. We saw the Liberal Prime Minister impose new rules and energy east was killed. Now we have a tragic situation with Trans Mountain. What is the government doing? Nothing.