Mr. Speaker, her name was Azraya Kokopenace.
She was only 14 years old, and she was loved. This nation failed her, because when she needed help, nothing was available. She died alone.
Azraya is just one of the 5,800 youth we have lost in this nation to suicide.
What country watches the death of its children and does nothing? Canada is one of the only developed countries without a national suicide prevention plan.
This is why I am asking my colleagues from all parties to work together to establish Motion 174 for a national suicide prevention action plan. It is not just about youth. We are seeing the crisis of suicide and depression cut across all age groups and spectrums. There is so much that can be done.
I want to special shout-out to the amazing grassroots organizations and activists on the front lines. They are looking to this Parliament to be a positive partner, and to pass Motion 174 and establish a national suicide prevention action plan.