[Member spoke in Dene as follows:]
Mısınıpı Churchıll Rıver Marsı chogh dırı Canada k’eyaghe naıdé, t’anesdhęnę t’a yutthęn narádé hotthé naradé chu heł tth’ı sǫla rıhtł’ıs nęnę ts’ę de tth’ı yoh haıyorı̨la nats’edé, ena dene hu, tąnı̨ts’ebeyas dene hu hotthé hots’ı̨ dene, eyı horelyų ła k’esı, horelyų ba yatı hu ełtth’ı erıthł’ıs detł’ıs hu, t’ąt’u dok’e tsamba hetł’el hetł’elı ha honı̨dhęne t’ąt’u bets’edı walı eyı kǫt’u dé, horelyų dene ts’edı́ ełelt’é sı, marsı.
[Dene text interpreted as follows:]
Mr. Speaker, in Canada where we live, this is what I think. We need to talk to people who are living in the north, people who are living on reserve and people who are living in the communities, indigenous people, Métis people, about housing as a whole and about where the funds are going, how to help people deal with the housing crisis. That is the way we can help people.