[Member spoke in Dene as follows:]
sı, t’ąt’u beneresnı̨ tsamba k’odherı nedhe ełtth’ı nuhel hólnı̨l le eyı hotthę nats’edé u eyı dłąt’u henı̨ eyı t’ą k’oldé, dene dayı̨lal la dąt’u beneresnı̨, t’ą bası sǫlą rıhtł’ıs nęnę ts’ęn dalı̨, t’ą k’oldé, t’ą dene yayı̨la, eyı dene ha dayałtı al hąt’ı t’aı, hogaı ke k’oldé naradé, dąlya, k’oldherı dąlı̨, eyı tth’ı dene ha dayałtı la eyı behayaltı horel ı̨h la, t’ąt’u yoh ha tsamba ghetł’elı ha, ba yatı ha kǫt’u kot’u tsamba dhe, k’odheré nedhé ts’ęn kǫt’u oreké la, dłąt’e koyehılé a dué a?
[Dene text interpreted as follows:]
Mr. Speaker, the way I understand this, the government is not telling us the truth, the people who are living in the north. The way he is talking about it, the people are in charge. The way I understand this, the government is doing that for the people who are living on reserve. The people who are voted in, they talk for them. Also people who are living in communities, people who are leaders talk for their people. We can talk to those people too about housing, how the funds are distributed and how to ask the government for the funds. Why can they not do that?