Order. I think everyone saw the white smoke.
A number of members have asked me how I could keep my seat for 35 years in a row through 11 elections. I have three little pieces of advice.
First, you need to be able to manage your frustrations, because politics is one frustration after another. You will come to know this, especially the new members.
Second, I would say that you must be prepared and speak intelligently. I would like to share a story. In the first month after my arrival in 1984, I made three statements, two of which contradicted my party's platform. At my first caucus meeting, an old senator told me that he wanted to talk to me. I say “old”, but I would not consider him very old today. He brought me to his office and asked if I wanted to stay in politics for a long time. I told him yes. He told me to look at the wall, where a magnificent stuffed fish was mounted. He told me that had the fish kept its mouth shut, it would still be alive.