Mr. Chair, it would be my pleasure to do so because it is an issue that is important to a very large number of Canadians. I will remind all of us here that after the federal, provincial and territorial ministers of transport met last January, we decided to create a task force to look specifically at ways we could improve safety in school buses. This included looking at a whole number of factors, some of which are outside the bus and some of which are inside the bus, such as safety belts.
These are things that we have been working on. We have now produced a report with recommendations that will be discussed early next year at the next gathering of the ministers from the provinces and territories. We want to look at ways that we can improve this.
Having said that, going to school in a school bus is the safest way for a child to get to school. Statistically, it is far superior to any other method, but if there are ways for us to improve the safety of children in school buses, then we, as ministers of transport, must look at those, and that is what we are doing.