I have a Speaker's statement on Private Members' Business.
As hon. members are aware, by virtue of their office, ministers and parliamentary secretaries are not eligible to propose items during the consideration of private members' business. Currently, among the items in the order of precedence, there is one Senate bill standing in the name of a member recently appointed as a parliamentary secretary, Bill S-1003, an act to amend The United Church of Canada Act.
As a result, Bill S-1003, which is awaiting debate at second reading, is now without eligible sponsors.
The principle expressed at pages 558 and 1,138 of House of Commons Procedure and Practice, third edition, provides that bills remain on the order of precedence since they are in the possession of the House, and that only the House can take a further decision on them.
In accordance with past practice, if no action is taken by the House at the appropriate time, this item will be dropped from the Order Paper, pursuant to Standing Order 94(2)(c).
I thank members for their attention.