Madam Speaker, we should rate it by how much Canadians are paying today.
In a previous exchange with other members, I mentioned that according to Statistics Canada data, in 2016, the last available income data right now, the top 1% of income earners paid less as a total share of income taxes. It is actually below 20% for the first time in about 10 years. The bottom 50% of Canadians are paying more taxes than they were before. That is a direct result of the Liberal government's decision-making, which the member is supporting by voting in favour of the budget and the estimates and all the other motions that have come before the House on spending.
The Liberal government is also the government that, when it raised taxes on the so-called one per cent, somehow managed to bring in $4.6 billion less in revenue in 2016 from the top 1%.
The government's policies are not working, and everyday Canadians are paying more.