Madam Speaker, the parliamentary secretary talked about the work that the committee had done, including the witnesses who had appeared before the committee. While some of the witnesses members of the opposition had requested did appear. Others have not been allowed to appear. We have requested that the former attorney general return, and that was not the case.
The parliamentary secretary referenced former Judge Turpel-Lafond appearing before the committee. He also referenced the Shawcross doctrine. I want to pull a quote from former Judge Turpel-Lafond. She said that she thinks it has a “fairly flimsy foundation in terms of lawful authority”, in respect of the Shawcross doctrine.
Knowing that the grounds by which the former attorney general was approached have been identified as fairly flimsy, and seeing with the Mark Norman case that the current government is not afraid to prosecute people for stepping outside of cabinet confidence, does the parliamentary secretary think that the order in council is sufficient? Why will he not let the former attorney general speak?