Mr. Speaker, the report talks about the barriers that women face when they enter the political realm, barriers such as a lack of gender-sensitive workplace practices, abuse of power, treating women as tokens or a lack of value that is placed on women's voices. These things are discussed in the report as barriers that prevent women from feeling secure and confident in putting their name forward for election.
Interestingly enough, the Prime Minister actually personifies all of those barriers. He actually perpetuates them in this place. Hence, there was a need for a dissenting report. The Conservative members therefore put forward that report today.
As Conservatives, we know that Canada is enriched by the participation of women from diverse backgrounds and in all levels of political leadership. We also believe that women should be encouraged to run for political office and should be free to do so without reprisal. We also understand that a woman's voice should be heard and that her truth should be spoken to power when necessary. We also understand that this should be respected and that in this place called the House of Commons there should be a place for principles.
I therefore present a dissenting report by the Conservative Party of Canada.