Mr. Speaker, in 2015, many Canadians voted for the Prime Minister and his promised sunny ways. He advertised himself to Canadians as a new kind of politician. He promised to be ethical and transparent, but he and the Liberals have faced five ethics investigations and the Prime Minister was found guilty of breaking the law. He even used his majority to shut down two investigations into his scandals.
The Prime Minister promised to help ordinary Canadians get ahead and to lower taxes. However, he is handing out millions of dollars to his billionaire friends and forcing everyday Canadians to pay for it through higher prices on necessities with his carbon tax-grab.
He promised to balance the budget by 2019, or was it going to balance itself? Either way, Canadians are still stuck with a massive deficit. The deficits caused by the Prime Minister's reckless spending are condemning future generations of Canadians to higher taxes to pay for his broken promises.
The Prime Minister's promises of sunny ways are long gone. As it turns out, the Prime Minister is not as advertised.