Mr. Speaker, today, January 29, is a sad day. It marks the third anniversary of a terrorist act so horrendous that it serves as a metaphor for every act of hate against any religious group across the country. I am talking about the attack on the Centre culturel islamique de Québec in Sainte-Foy. Three years ago today, six of our fellow citizens were killed simply because of their Islamic faith.
January 29 is a day that will live in infamy. This act of terror was a betrayal of every one of our country's most sacred values: freedom of religion; welcoming newcomers and making them our friends, neighbours and equals; and treating others as we hope we would be treated by them.
To those who feel a pain that can never be healed except by the infinite compassion of the Almighty, I say today that we all, all of us on all sides of this House, stand with them.