Mr. Speaker, it is not lost on me what happened with the RCMP. That is why it is so unfortunate that the ministers responsible are not in Nova Scotia right now, trying to defuse the situation.
Regarding the broader issue of first nations' rights in the fishery and the Marshall decision, I think it would be good for everyone in this country, especially people working in that industry, to have the clarity to move forward. There are a lot of areas where first nations and non-first nations fishers agree that things can be done. Conservation is number one. That is an area where everyone can focus on improving our stocks, especially on the west coast, to ensure the sustainability of our fishery for future generations.
Yes, we need to have clarity and some action on the Marshall decision. That is not lost on me, but it is also not lost on me that the collective ministers responsible were not on the ground when they needed to be. We should not be having a debate in the House of Commons. They should be on the ground negotiating right now, seeking the solutions Canada needs.