Mr. Speaker, I thank my hon. colleague from West Nova for his speech.
I have a question for him. He spoke about the notion of moderate livelihood a number of times. I must admit that I was surprised to hear him mention it, not because this is not at the very heart of what is going on right now in Nova Scotia, at the heart of all of this tension that needs to be defused and resolved. I was surprised because, as I mentioned, today I attended a meeting of the Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans. We try not to play politics and say that Fisheries and Oceans Canada should have defined the notion of “moderate livelihood” 21 years ago, or even back in 1761. Fisheries and Oceans Canada did not exist in 1761, and neither did Canada.
People claim to want to talk about it now, but when I moved a motion on this topic, no one agreed. No one would even tell me who was responsible. If it is not up to the Supreme Court, legislators, the government or committees, then who is responsible?
I would like to hear my hon. colleague's thoughts on why they voted against my motion. Who is supposed to define “moderate livelihood”?