Madam Speaker, it is nice to see the Conservatives and the Bloc bonding and solidifying their support.
My question for the member is based on what the member for Calgary Nose Hill said in committee not that long ago, “but I think it behooves all committee members to remember that the committee is the master of its own destiny, and therefore, we are entrusted to take on studies that can look at anything we want.” This is what the person who introduced the motion we are debating today said previously. It seems to be a contradiction. It is okay for Conservatives to filibuster in a committee if they do not like what is happening there, but, oh my God, if the Liberals do it, it is undemocratic. I see a bit of hypocrisy there.
I wonder if the Bloc recognizes the obvious. One cannot say, yes, the committees set their own agenda and then bring forward a motion saying that instead of the committee doing one report, it is going to do 14-plus reports. That is hypocrisy.