Mr. Speaker, October 4 to 10 is Mental Illness Awareness Week. Mental Illness Awareness Week is about the need for dialogue and the need to allow anyone who is struggling the opportunity to express, without judgment, the pain, suffering and hurt that they feel as they struggle with various health problems. Those suffering in silence need to be able to come forward and know that they will be believed, and not seen as weak. They need to know that we are fighting for the services and support that they need. Until we recognize mental illness as a true health problem, we will not be able to move forward as a nation.
All of us here in the House have a responsibility to keep this issue at the forefront of the debate, not just today but every day. We can do more and we can do it together.
I am proud to sit on the all-party mental health caucus with colleagues from across this great country. In the coming weeks and months, members will be hearing from us as we work together to raise the profile of mental illness among Canadians. We have a responsibility to make sure those in need have the tools necessary to get better.
There is no health without mental health.