Mr. Speaker, this message is for Emmanuel Macron, the President of the French Republic.
Mr. President, by virtue of the privilege entrusted to me by the voters of Quebec, I want to say now that we stand in solidarity with you, and we wish you courage in the face of the attacks that Islamic terrorism continues to inflict on our sister country, France.
I do not claim to speak on behalf of all Quebeckers within the Canadian Parliament, but I do speak on behalf of most of my fellow citizens when I encourage you to remain brave and faithful to your values of liberty, fraternity and equality.
The Quebec National Assembly, meanwhile, has voted unanimously to unequivocally support the cause you are defending despite the major conflicts threatening you, while respecting the traditions of generous hospitality that characterize both of our respective nations. The party I represent wants to unequivocally distance itself from the renunciation of our values of freedom and secularism and from the serious lack of courage expressed by the Prime Minister of Canada regarding the scope of free speech.
We wholeheartedly believe that great nations know how to use the voices and bodies of their people as a shield to ensure the equality, liberty and security of every citizen.
The future will prove you right. Quebec will stand by you.