Madam Speaker,
T’was the Christmas of COVID
And interest was keen,
In our nation receiving
Its promised vaccine.
The stockings were spaced by the chimney with care
Though half of the family couldn’t be there,
The children were snuggled (but sad) in their beds
Cancelled trips to see Santa Claus still in their heads.
Mama in her 'kerchief and I in my mask
Had just hunkered down for the winter-long task,
Of reading each book from Homer to Seneca
While awaiting a booster from AstraZeneca.
But we can’t let the wait crush our spirits by inches
Or transform us into a nation of Grinches,
Let’s reach out to each other, the tall and the small
Like the Grinch, let our hearts grow three sizes—that’s all.
Christmas came to the Whos without ribbons and tags
It came, just the same without boxes and bags,
By reindeer or by Zoom, it can come to us too
Merry Christmas to all, merry Christmas to you.