Mr. Speaker, despite the challenges, the traditional Orleans Christmas parade has been reinvented this year.
The first parade took place in 1994, and it has grown to become Canada's largest after-dark Santa Claus parade with crowds of over 100,000 in attendance. Thanks to the incredible work of the Ottawa Professional Fire Fighters Association and its partners, we will be able to experience the magic of Christmas once again. The 26th edition of the Orleans Parade of Lights takes place on December 5, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. In keeping with today's realities, it will feature a static, drive-through display at the OC Transpo Park & Ride on the north side of Place d'Orleans.
I invite everyone to join me in taking part in this amazing drive-through initiative, whose purpose is to collect toys and money for our community's less fortunate.
Thank you, and I hope to see you Saturday.