Madam Speaker, I thank the hon. member for his wisdom on this issue. As the member from the NDP who spoke previously said, it is very unhelpful to this debate to be casting aspersions and singling out certain groups of people to question their motivations. I know people who come from a faith background and a faith perspective on this issue, on both sides of the issue, and they are honourable people who want to do what they feel is right.
It is very demeaning to cast all opposition to this bill into a single bucket, when we have so many people from disability communities, indigenous communities and other vulnerable communities raising the alarm about this bill. It is a cheap shot that undermines the quality of this debate and our ability, as legislators, to come here and bring the views of our constituents. That is what democracy is all about, which is an opportunity to share our perspective and shape the way our country is going. That is incredibly important.
The member is right that that seems to be decaying. We must put a stop to it and reverse it as soon as possible. Our country will suffer when one side is being told it cannot participate in debate.