Mr. Speaker, I am glad that I heard what my colleague had to say because he seems to have forgotten some aspects of the situation.
It is not the big bad colonial power that imposed this pipeline project. This project has been in the works for six years and has gone through all the necessary approvals at both the federal and provincial levels. This project has the support of the provincial NDP government, which is supported by the Green Party. This project passes through 20 indigenous communities, and all of them support it. The majority of the hereditary chiefs of the community in question support the project. One hereditary chief even publicly stated that 85% of the community supported it. This is a far cry from the big bad white man imposing his colonial projects.
The member said that we should not resort to violence to solve the problem. We are simply talking about enforcing the law. Right now, in Quebec, there is a blockade in Saint-Lambert. An injunction was sought and granted. Does the member agree with this legal approach? Does he agree with the fact that the Prime Minister said that the blockade would be taken down as soon as the injunction was granted?