Mr. Speaker, today, I am pleased to rise to say happy 100th birthday to World War II veteran and Edmontonian Mr. Leslie McLean. Like many of his era, he fought for Canada during the war. Enlisting in 1941, he served as a leading seaman on HMCS Calgary, part of our proud corvette navy that fought in the Battle of the Atlantic.
During his service, the Calgary shared in the sinking of one U-boat and single-handedly sank a second one. The Calgary participated in the Normandy landings later, protecting the landing craft of his friend Fred Russell, whose 100th birthday we celebrated in the House last year. The two are still friends to this day.
Mr. McLean later transferred to HMCS Ontario and served in the Pacific theatre. Discharged in 1946, he came home to Edmonton where he and his wife, Christina, who served in the Women's Army Corps, raised seven children, 14 grandchildren and 25 great-grandchildren.
Mr. McLean, happy 100th birthday, and from a grateful nation I say thank you.