Mr. Speaker, I have two points in response.
In the context of advance consent, it is important to note that people do not know precisely what their experience will be. They may get a prognosis and think they will feel a certain way about things at that point in time. It is important to underline that the reason we generally do not have advance consent is because people do not always know what their experience of that will be.
Nonetheless, I want to be very clear. What I would propose as a middle way between having no advance consent and the advance consent regime proposed in the legislation is to allow people to give advance consent, but to still require, even at the point at which they may have lost capacity, some contemporaneous consultation with them, so even at a point of reduced capacity they are told what is happening and will be given the opportunity to assent or not. Even at the point at which they have lost capacity, it is still fair to them to give them some information about what is happening in order to give them the ability to express their objection, if they are able to in the context of limited capacity.