Madam Speaker, this listing of regime is an important tool for countering terrorism in Canada and globally, and it is part of the government's commitment to keeping Canadians safe. Listing is just one component of the international and domestic response to terrorism.
With that in mind, I would reiterate that Canada has already taken action against Iran and the IRGC specifically, including listing the IRGC Quds Force. These actions are broadly consistent with our international partners, who have designated components of the IRGC under their own sanctioned regimes.
This past June we listed three militant groups that are aligned with, and controlled by, the Quds Force and operating in Bahrain, the Gaza strip, Syria and Afghanistan. A listing imposes severe penalties for people and organizations that deal with property or finances of a listed entity. Another important point is, of course, that once listed, an entity falls within the definition of a terrorist group in the Criminal Code. This helps to facilitate the laying of terrorism-related charges against perpetrators and supporters of terrorism.